Welcome To Da Garden!
Thank you for joining my online community. This page is your first stop in our onboarding process. Please read the instructions below to get the most out of our community. If you have any questions email me at: [email protected]
Let's Start With Some Terms:
Library: This is where you will find the products that you have purchased. If you buy a workshop it will shop up there, and when you join my membership it will show up there as well. Under library you will have two products that show up for Da Garden:
Da Garden Community Content: This is where all of our content is stored. The essays, articles, messages from Spirit, and other membership content can all be found under this product. It will be labeled by month and the name of the post.
Da Garden Community Space: This is where our online community will kick it. Much like a discord server we can hold discussions, meetups and even do assignments together.
Within Da Garden's Community Space We Will Have The Following Member Spaces & Navigation Options:
Circles: This is where we have topic-specific discussions. Each circle is its own chatroom, and every member has access to our circles.
Home: This navigation link takes you to our home dashboard for Da Garden's online community space
Challenges: This is where you will find any lessons, or activities that we will do as a community.
Meetups: This is where you will see the scheduled check-ins, workshops, and meetups for our community.
Menu: The menu is made up of multiple navigation menus that guide you to other spaces in our community.
Within the Menu there is:
Recent Posts: This is where you will find ALL the posts I make for our community. New and old posts are available, and everyone who is a member can access them.
Consultation: This is where you can book a Spiritual Consultation with me. As a paid member of Da Garden, you get $80 off your consultation when you use the code "DAGARDENDISCOUNT"
Start Here: This will take you back to our welcome page just in case you need a refresher on how to navigate our community.
Now that we've covered the basics, let's get into the Next Steps:
1. Download the Kajabi app to your phone from the app store on iPhone or google play store for Android. Login in with the email and password you created when you registered for the garden. If you didn't create a password use your email and select the Forgot Password option.
2. Create a user profile with a picture of you (do not use an animated avatar or background picture) it must be a picture of your actual face
3. Read our Community Agreements
4. Introduce yourself in our Roll Call circle
Now that you've completed our Onboarding, Click the link below to access our main community page
Go To Da Garden